Life At Korthuis Manor

Life At Korthuis Manor
Captain Randy and his First Mate!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A special gift

My friend Susan brought me a gift on Sunday...................
Now to the untrained eye these may look like 70's era pyrexware.  But to a crusty bread baker - these are what I been looking for to  bake mini loaves in.  Perfect size for soup in a bread bowl!!
When she and Mike brought them by, I just happened to have a batch of crusty bread rising!  Awesome size!!  Thanks Susan - how sweet!

If you haven't made the Crusty bread, or you've started reading my blog since that post just click on the link "crusty bread" and give it a whirl!  It honestly is the easiest thing you've ever made - and talk about a way to impress people!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Love your blog! So sweet!

Feel free to check mine out also @: