Life At Korthuis Manor

Life At Korthuis Manor
Captain Randy and his First Mate!

Monday, May 11, 2009

More Shrimping..........................

This weekend we went out shrimping with Jeff and Kathi. The boys went out earlier in the day on Friday, and then picked Kathi and I up at Sandy Point about 8pm - just in time to see a gorgeous sunset!!

We arrived in Echo Bay at Sucia Island and tied up to the last buoy available, just in time to see the BIG YELLOW moon come up! What an evening for the senses!! The water was glass smooth too!

Got up early Saturday morning and started setting the pots.

The Jansens were not cooperating with picture taking for the blog - trust me - none of us were beautiful!!

A feast for a King!! (and Queen)

Good times......................................................

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I think Kathi was a little pooped on Moms day because of this outing-:) But it looks fun!