I knew it was coming - but it still blindsided me! Wow - when did it happen? For those of you with younger children, you hear remarks like this and think - "I will be in this stage FOREVER , ya, I mean they are growing up, but I think I will be raising children forever". Trust me - my child raising days are coming to an end. Really at this point you kind of switch into more of a coaching position (with a lot of authority!!), but the role really starts changing as you get them ready to make decisions and figure how to "do life".
Anyways - enough of that chatter.....................Here's our beautiful freshman daughter!!
It was a rather weird picture moment- as I was taking her picture I was flashing back to all the school pictures I've taken over the years (I took the first one in 1993 - yes 16 years ago) and this is the first one with only one child in it! When Nathan headed to Kindergarten, Brandon was in the picture with him for his first day of Preschool. I told Emily she should pick up Max for the picture because she looked lonely! :-0
Now - 2 days to go until we take Brandon to Whitworth, but that's a whole different post!!!! :-{
So pretty!! It's odd for us Mom's isn't it. This will be us next year with only 1 in the official picture.
Hang in there taking Brandon to college. Tell him he has to have a picture too.
We'll be down to one this month.
I hope Max and Emily are ready for all the parenting comin' their way. It has to go somewhere.
Lucky for Max we are a little tired and easily worn down over here...
It is hard to believe that my "Miss Emmy" is a Freshman. She sure is beautiful in these pictures...even if she was texting..hahaha...typical teenager these days. Hope these next four years go ssllooww!!!
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