For all of you that have followed the blog, you know how the story has progressed and I can't believe it's been a month...................time flies when you're having miracles (my new mantra:-)!!
I thought I would post a picture of the accident site.............................
This is the path that he skidded along - I don't know if I said this before, but we've been told that when it's a single vehicle accident, they don't mark it with paint unless they expect the victim not to live - pretty sobering!
This is the curb that Nathan's body broke out (someone has put the pieces back in place)...............................Do you see how close he came to hitting the telephone pole? I'm afraid he would not be with us had that happened.
This is where the motorcycle came to rest and the gas was leaking............
This is a 1/2 mile from our home so I drive by it almost daily - and every time I say outloud "Thank you Lord". My God spared my son without a doubt!!
I am excited for the future and for what God has in store for Nathan, and us! It has been a privilege to get to know God in a deeper way, and have grown to trust Him and his sovereignty even more!!
Thank you for loving, caring and PRAYING! Keep praying - as wonderful as his progress has been and as many miracles as we have experienced, it is still a long road ahead with a lot of unknowns. The only thing certain - is God did not bring us this far to leave us now!!!!
Without FAITH it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Heb 11:6
I do not know you or Nathan, but you have helped me at Woods and I have seen you laughing with your friends at Grandiflora (my fav shop!) I remember thinking it funny that I had seen you in both places.
Also, I am a mother like you and the fear of motherhood cut right through me when I heard that another Lynden mom's boy had been the cause of the sirens that day. I thank God that your child is healing and that his mother has not lost what we hold most precious in our lives! You have a beautiful family and your faith is inspiring!
AMEN! to your blog post, and AMEN to the above 'poster'!!
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Heb 11:1
Prayers do continue for your family, especially for Nathan!
We truly HAVE been blessed to 'walk thru this' with you! Blessings, my dear! susi
"Journeys" - not always the way we'd like to do things but so very thankful that God is not content to leave us where we are but challenges us to grow deeper in a relationship with Him. Each one of us has our own journey.
We're praying for you every day, Nathan(and family)! We know God has great things in store for you. This accident has touched everyone of your friends (and families) as well.
I always told Greg, it's one day at a time - sometimes one moment at a time. We pray for "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!" Planning to see you hopefully soon!
Much love - The Burgers
"Whenever God gives us a cross to bear, he has also given us a promise that he will give us the strength to bear it." -Sarah M. Hupp
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning!" -Psalms 30:5 KJV
Love you guys!
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